“OMG, The world is a hot mess, where do I even begin?!”
Post by Kate Marks
Feeling a little overwhelmed by all the problems in the world? Not sure what to march for at the Young and Mighty March? You’re not alone. There’s almost too many problems to choose from, so trying to find just one can feel a little overwhelming. To help with that, I put together a list of questions designed to help you figure out an issue that matters to you.
How would you make your family, home, or school a better place?
Start with yourself. What would make life happier, healthier, more peaceful or fair for you, your family, and your friends?
Maybe you want more affordable housing or easier access to food stamps so your parents won’t be so stressed out. Maybe you want the big kid in the cafeteria to stop pushing. Or maybe you want more music classes in your school.
When you’re struggling with something, chances are another kid has that same problem. Making a sign about something personal in your life, shows others they aren’t alone.
What would make your neighborhood or city a better place?
Maybe you’re worried about homelessness, access to green parks, or racism?!
Look around, what do you see that bothers you? What do you want to fix?
What would make the country or the world a better place?
Think about some of the big issues that are facing the entire planet. Maybe you want to see the first woman president, stop global warming, or achieve world peace.
There are so many issues facing planet Earth, pick one and fight for it.
And when all else fails, remember the most important thing you can do is to simply show up. The best statement you will make is being part of a crowd of people, united for the common good.
Want more tips on how to make a great poster?
★Work with artists from the Children’s Museum of the Arts to learn how to use art, poetry and humor to express the issues that matter to you
★Connect with other kids and share your ideas on how to make the world a better place, while getting pumped for the Young and Mighty March the next day
★Drop in any time Saturdat, October 20th
10:00 am - 1:00 pm at Sunnyside Community Services
43-31 39th St, Sunnyside, NY 11104
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm at Woodside On the Move’s beacon program at PS. 361Q
39-7 57th St, Woodside, NY 11377
First Come-First Serve
Don’t have time to make a poster?
We’ll have pre-made posters to hand out for anyone who needs one.